Thursday, January 15, 2009

A match made in heaven set the fires in hell.

I don't think I realized today so much how much this person really means to me. I've never really been able to find the words to describe how much I really am into you, but I did and you were there when it happened. See, alot of times when I'm alone and by myself and I think of all the crazy shit that I'm going through I think of you. It then reminds me of how important you are to me. I haven't felt this happy in such a long time. I've gone through so much within the past few months, and yeah I have great friends there for me I'm not going to lie and say that I haven't, but you have made me happy on another level. I'm usually talking about random shit on here, and showing more attention to other people or things, but you deserve a standing ovation. What's crazy is that we haven't even been in this for too long, like we can both admit that this is going fast. But yo deadass I don't care. Like they way I see it if things are this good now then they could only get better. Granted I'm not perfect, I haven't committed to anyone in almost 2 years I think, but our differences isn't something that stands in the way in my eyes. I'm in this for good. I've been waiting for so long to find someone that really makes me feel good about the things that happening around me, and I finally found that person. Along with my great friends, some whom you appreciate and some who you don't, you've helped me travel through a hard path in my life. I could not appreciate you more. When I'm with you all I want to do is make you laugh, see you smile, kiss you, taste your lips, hug you, and be close to you. I see beauty in you I don't see in anyone else. I see beauty in you as a individual, and that's what makes it so great. I promise that I'll stop worrying about the bad things that "might" happen between us, and instead plan for the good things that "will" happen. I'm always here if you need me, and I will stop at nothing to see that your happy.

That is all.